The Asian clam, a non-native invasive species, is a threat to become established in Conesus Lake.
The Asian clam has two half shells hinged together, typically is less than 1.5 inches long, and has an oval/triangular shape. They are yellow brown, and light brown to black with distinctive elevated concentric ridges on the surface. The Asian clam prefers sand, mud, or gravel bottoms in shallow water. The Asian clam is hermaphroditic (you only need one to reproduce). A single clam can release over 400 offspring per day. They have a life span of approximately seven years. They do not swim, but can be moved easily by water currents and transported by humans.
Asian clams have spread rapidly in lakes, canals, streams, rivers, and reservoirs throughout North America…..most recently to Lake George and Owasco Lake. Invasive species specialists believe most lakes in New York State are at risk.
When Asian clams become established they can cause algae blooms and foul water intake pipes. Since they reproduce so rapidly, they displace native species and natural predators are not able to control them. They can reach densities of 500 clams per square foot of lake bottom. Their excrement releases nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) into the water column. Once Asian clams are established in a lake, it is almost impossible or cost prohibitive to eradicate them. Lake Tahoe residents have spent $1.4 million in an attempt to control Asian clams in one infected area.
The Asian clam originally came from both Asia and Africa. They were first discovered in North America in 1938 in Washington State. They were thought to have been brought here as a food source. Some people consider them to be a good luck charm and use them in aquariums.
The juvenile Asian clam can be relocated easily in bait buckets, live wells, engine cooling systems, trailers, etc. They may also be released, either deliberately or accidentally, directly into the water. There are no current restrictions on the sale, purchase, or transport of Asian clams.
Residents and lake users are encouraged to use the following Best Practices.
Before launching a boat into Conesus Lake
The Conesus Lake Association is working with the Conesus Lake Watershed Council to develop a monitoring program and action plan. Early detection – before the infestation becomes widespread – provides the best chance for eradication. Impervious mats and suction harvesting are accepted eradication techniques.
More details will follow at a later date.
Additional Information
USGS Asian Clam Fact Sheet
Map of known Asian clam locations in New York State.
Lake George Asian Clam Eradication Project
Owasco Lake Asian Clam Task Force