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Requesting Information About Cottages That Were Moved from Hemlock and Canadice Lakes to Conesus Lake ?
Betty Miles, Livonia Town Historian, is working on a project to document historical information about cottages that were moved from Hemlock and Canadice Lakes to Conesus Lake. The cottages may still exist or may no longer exist. If anyone has information on any of these cottages, Betty would like to contact you. Betty’s email address is betty.miles1947@gmail.com , cell phone (585)329-9832.
...In order to get you to the right peron to answer your questions or concerns, the CLA has created this list. Find your question or concern and click to get the quickest response.
CLA Related Contacts:
Other Contacts:
Conesus Lake Assocation
August 10, 2020
We are excited to announce our newest initiative, the creation of The Conesus Lake Environmental Scholarship Award. The purpose of this award is to encourage local High School students who intend to pursue a college degree in the environmental sciences, to become knowledgeable and active lake stewards. We believe there is a need to ensure that the CLA mission is carried on by future generations.
...Knowledge is Power!
The CLA encourages all citizens to be informed about what is happening in their County and Town. In order to help you do that, listed below are the links to the websites for the Towns of Conesus, Geneseo, Groveland, and Livonia, as well as the County Board of Supervisors. Click on the link and read the current Minutes for the County Board Meetings, Town Board Meetings, Planning Board Minutes, and Zoning Board Minutes. We hope you will take a few moments to see what is happening around Conesus Lake.
Town of Conesus http://town.conesus.ny.us/content
Town of Geneseo http://www.geneseony.org/index-v.asp
Town of Groveland http://www.grovelandny.org/
Town of Livonia http://www.livoniany.org/
Livingston County Board of Supervisors http://www.co.livingston.state.ny.us/AgendaCenter
The Conesus Lake Association has many ways for you to become more active in your lake community. Listed below are some of the ways you can do that. If you are interested in working with a committee listed, simply send an email to info@conesuslake.org and put the name(s) of the committee(s) in the subject line. We will see your email gets to the proper person.
(607) 387-7041
HOW TO REPORT A PROBLEM The CLA encourages members of the Conesus Lake community to take action if they notice something of concern or urgency. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHOM TO CALL, DIAL 911.
Livingston County
Stickers are available that can be placed on canoes, paddleboats, paddebords, and other kake-reated “toys” that identify you as the owner.
All Lost, Found, or Stolen items MUST be eported to the Marine Patrol. You can recover your item by calling (585) 243-7100 and asking to speak with a Marine Patrol Deputy.