Email Lake Alert and News System

The “ALERTS” system is designed to advise lake area residents of any widespread urgent situation that occurs during the course of the year.

Some examples of what might be considered an alert are:

  • A boil-water advisory
  • A no-swim advisory
  • Road closings due to an emergency
  • Other issues deemed appropriate by government or CLA officials

The CLA’s news service, “Conesus Lake News”, is designed to communicate non-time-critical, nice-to-know information to lake residents. Things like:

  • Lost & found boats or dock sections
  • Concerts & special lake events
  • Local pre-election questionnaires & candidate responses
  • Upcoming CLA meetings and events
  • Other topics that we think will enhance your life at the lake

If you want “NEWS” or “ALERTS” automatically sent to your e-mail address when they occur, please complete the following form:


Automatic Alert and News Notifications

* indicates required
