ConesUS Lake Stewardship
What is it: A cohesive set of actions designed to educate watershed residents on the impact they have on the lake’s water quality along with best practices that have been proven to favorably impact water quality. Through these actions and programs we hope to assist and inspire all watershed residents to become proactive stewards of the future health of our lake.
Why Watershed Residents: Every resident that lives roughly between I390 and Federal Road affects the lake through their actions, whether you know it or not. Since all water from this basin eventually flows into the lake, any chemicals, fertilizers, petroleum products, waste or erosion will also end up in the lake unless each owner is aware of and adheres to best practices to minimize or eliminate such impacts.
Why should you care: The overall health of the lake not only affects the quality of the drinking water drawn from the lake, and the overall enjoyment of those using the lake, it can also significantly impact housing prices, tax bases and the ability of area businesses to draw customers if allowed to degrade.
Can we really make a difference: Recent studies have indicated that the collective impact of watershed residents is the second largest contributor to the overall health of the lake. Our impact is second only to agriculture. At this time many of our watershed farms are actively pursuing their own set of best practices and improvements. If each of us uses those best practices that are relevant to us, we can and will make a huge positive contribution to the health of our lake.
What the Conesus Lake Association has done to date:
Best Practices to Protect Conesus Lake
What is a Best Practice?: A best practice is a technique or method that, through experience and research, has proven to reliably lead to a desired result, and achieves results superior to those achieved by other means. A commitment to using the best practices is a commitment to using all the knowledge and technology at one’s disposal to ensure success.
How are these relevant to us? : Every day our actions within the watershed of Conesus Lake have a significant impact on the overall health of the lake, either positively or negatively. We continue to strive to define and promulgate best practices pertaining to our actions: in the watershed, near the lakeside, and on the water, that will ensure we act in a manner that provides the highest certainty that we are contributing to the health, benefit and improvement of our lake. As each of us, and each of our visitors participate in varying activities from boating, to yardwork, to managing pets; each of us will need to understand the relevant best practices and apply them to our individual lives IF we are committed to protecting the lake.
In an effort to raise sensitivity about the land surrounding Conesus Lake Watershed, the Conesus Lake Association has worked in concert with town, county, and state officials to create several plans that will accomplish this. The CLA gratefully acknowledges the efforts of these individuals and entities to date and looks forward to full implementation of these studies and plans.