

CLICK HERE to JOIN or RENEW your Membership Online.


The Conesus Lake Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit homeowners’ association that has worked, since 1932, to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents, both permanent and seasonal, of the area commonly known as Conesus Lake, Livingston County, New York.

With over 1,000 members in 2010, the CLA continues to provide a common voice for the concerns, needs and challenges that face our watershed and lake.

Members receive copies of the annual Conesus Lake Directory, Laker News, our semiannual newsletter, two free flares for the July 3rd Lake of Fire, and can obtain discounts from a growing list of sponsoring partners in our community.

Importantly, your membership in the CLA, as an owner or occupant of property on or about Conesus Lake, will also help us maintain our programs, our active participation in public education about the watershed, and our ability to effectively communicate with governments and agencies at the local, state and national levels.


Conesus Lake Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 637
Lakeville, New York 14480-0637
