A Message from CLA President Mike Saviola –
The Link below will take you to the January 9, 2017 Livingston County Press Release regarding the Conesus Lake Watershed Streambank Erosion Remediation Project that has been recognized by a regional branch of the American Public Works Association.
This has been a project the County and 3 watershed Towns have been working on for several years. Early on in the grant process, the CLA wrote several letters in support of the Streambank Remediation to the Project’s primary funders. This PROJECT could not have been done without full commitment from the County Planning Department, the voluntary participation of the involved riparian landowners, as well as the Town AND COUNTY Highway crews, who did the actual construction work. This is yet another example of the collaboration necessary to effectuate a positive water quality benefit to the 20,000 County residents who rely on Conesus Lake as a public drinking water source. The estimated sediment reduction volumes are impressive to say the least. The reduction in sediment will, in turn, lessen the amount of nutrients entering the lake. This is truly all of Us doing our part on behalf of the Lake and Watershed residents.
Click here to read and view the before and after pictures: “News From Livingston County”